
Articles in SSCI-Ranked Peer-Reviewed Journals

[27] Schäfer, Armin/Steiner, Nils D. (forthcoming): How Education, Generation and Gender Structure Voting for Green and Radical Right Parties: An Interactive Approach, West European Politics.

[26] Hillen, Sven/Steiner, Nils D./Landwehr, Claudia (forthcoming): Perceptions of Policy Responsiveness: The Effects of Egocentric and Sociotropic Congruence, West European Politics.

[25] Hillen, Sven & Steiner, Nils D. (2025): Rising Inequality and Public Support for Redistribution, European Journal of Political Research, 64(1): 442-455. 

[24] Hoffeller, Lucca/Steiner, Nils D. (2024): Sympathies for Putin Within the German Public: A Consequence of Political Alienation? Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 65, 667-690.

(23) Steiner, Nils D. (2024): The Shifting Issue Content of Left-Right Identification: Cohort Differences in Western Europe, West European Politics, 47(6): 1276-1303.

(22) Steiner, Nils D./Hoffeller, Lucca/Gutheil, Yanick/Wiesenfeldt, Tobias (2024): Class Voting for Radical-Left Parties in Western Europe: The Libertarian vs. Authoritarian Class Trade-off, Party Politics, 30(4): 579-591.

(21) Steiner, Nils D./Mader, Matthias/Schoen, Harald (2024): Subjective Losers of Globalization, European Journal of Political Research, 63(1): 326-347.

(20) Steiner, Nils D. (2023): Generational Change in Party Support in Germany: The Decline of the Volksparteien, the Rise of the Greens, and the Transformation of the Education Divide, Electoral Studies, 86: 102706. 

(19) Steiner, Nils D./Landwehr, Claudia (2023): Learning the Brexit Lesson? Shifting Support for Direct Democracy in Germany in the Aftermath of the Brexit Referendum, British Journal of Political Science, 53(2): 757-765.

(18) Steiner, Nils D./Schimpf, Christian/Wuttke, Alexander (2023): Left Behind and United by Populism? Populism’s Multiple Roots in Feelings of Lacking Societal Recognition, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 64(1): 107-132.

(17) Bucher, Hannah/Stroppe, Anne-Kathrin/Burger, Axel M./Faas, Thorsten/Schoen, Harald/Debus, Marc/Roßteutscher, Sigrid/Cohen, Dennis/Huber, Robert A./Jankowski, Michael/John, Melvin/Menzner, Jan/Schimpf, Christian H./Schnaudt, Christian/Steiner, Nils D./Traunmüller, Richard/Unkelbach, Fabienne/Vogel, Vera/Wegscheider, Carsten/Welz, Robert/Wuttke, Alex (2023): Special Issue Conclusion – The GLES Open Science Challenge 2021 in Hindsight: Experiences Gained and Lessons Learned. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 64(1): 207-219.

(16) Steiner, Nils D./Berlinschi, Ruxanda/Farvaque, Etienne/Fidrmuc, Jan/Harms, Philipp/Mihailov, Alexander/Neugart, Michael/Stanek, Piotr (2023): Rallying Around the EU Flag: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Attitudes Toward European Integration, Journal of Common Market Studies, 61(2): 271-290. 

(15) Barbaro, Salvatore/Steiner, Nils D. (2023): Plurality Rule, Majority Principle and Indeterminacy in German Elections, FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis, 79(1): 64-91.

(14) Steiner, Nils D./Harms, Philipp (2023): Trade Shocks and the Nationalist Backlash in Political Attitudes: Panel Data Evidence from Great Britain, Journal of European Public Policy, 30(2): 271-290.  

(13) Breznau, Nate/Rinke, Eike M./Wuttke, Alexander/[…]/Steiner, Nils D./[…] [166 authors] (2022): Observing Many Researchers Using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119(44): e2203150119.

(12) Steiner, Nils D./Hillen, Sven (2021): Vote Choices of Left-Authoritarians: Misperceived Congruence and Issue Salience, Electoral Studies, 70: 102280.

(11) Mader, Matthias/Steiner, Nils D./Schoen, Harald (2020): The Globalisation Divide in the Public Mind: Belief Systems on Globalisation and their Electoral Consequences, Journal of European Public Policy, 27(10): 1526-1545.

(10) Hillen, Sven/Steiner, Nils D. (2020): The Consequences of Supply Gaps in Two-Dimensional Policy Spaces for Voter Turnout and Political Support: The Case of Economically Left-Wing and Culturally Right-Wing Citizens in Western Europe, European Journal of Political Research, 59(2): 331-353.

(9) Steiner, Nils D./Mader, Matthias (2019): Intra-Party Heterogeneity in Policy Preferences and Its Effect on Issue Salience: Developing and Applying a Measure Based on Elite Survey Data, Party Politics, 25(3): 336-348.

(8) Steiner, Nils D./Landwehr, Claudia (2018): Populistische Demokratiekonzeptionen und die Wahl der AfD: Evidenz aus einer Panelstudie, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 59(3): 463-491.

(7) Steiner, Nils D. (2018): Attitudes Towards the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in the European Union: The Treaty Partner Heuristic and Issue Attention, European Union Politics, 19(2):255-277.

(6) Landwehr, Claudia/Steiner, Nils D. (2017): Where Democrats Disagree: Citizens’ Normative Conceptions of Democracy, Political Studies, 65(4): 786-804.

(5) Steiner, Nils D. (2016): Comparing Freedom House Democracy Scores to Alternative Indices and Testing for Political Bias: Are US Allies Rated as More Democratic by Freedom House?, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 18(4): 329-394.

(4) Steiner, Nils D. (2016): Economic Globalisation, the Perceived Room to Manoeuvre of National Governments, and Electoral Participation: Evidence from the 2001 British General Election, Electoral Studies, 41(1): 118-128.

(3) Böhm, Katharina/Landwehr, Claudia/Steiner, Nils D. (2014): What Explains Generosity in the Public Financing of High-tech Drugs? An Empirical Investigation for 26 OECD Countries and 11 Controversial Drugs, Journal of European Social Policy, 24(1): 39-55.

(2) Steiner, Nils D./Martin, Christian W. (2012): Economic Integration, Party Polarization and Electoral Turnout, West European Politics, 35(2): 238-265.

(1) Steiner, Nils D. (2010): Economic Globalization and Voter Turnout in Established Democracies, Electoral Studies, 29(3): 444-459.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals (not SSCI-ranked)

(2) Mader, Matthias/Steiner, Nils D. (2019): Party Institutionalization and Intra-Party Preference Homogeneity, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 13(2): 199-224.

(1) Martin, Christian W./Steiner, Nils D. (2016): Economic Globalization and the Change of Electoral Rules, Constitutional Political Economy, 27(4): 355-376.

Articles in Edited Volumes

(5) Steiner, Nils D. (2024): Wählerwanderungen von und zu der AfD in der COVID-19-Pandemie, in: Schoen, Harald/Weßels, Bernhard (eds.): Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2021. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 525-550.

(4) Steiner, Nils D. (2021): Die wahrgenommene Entwicklung der sozialen Gerechtigkeit und Wahlentscheidungen bei der Bundestagswahl 2017, in: Weßels, Bernhard/Schoen, Harald (eds.): Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 321-343.

(3) Steiner, Nils D./Hillen, Sven (2019): Links-autoritäre Bürger bei der Bundestagswahl 2013: Sozialstrukturelle Determinanten und Konsequenzen eines Repräsentationsdefizits für Wahlbeteiligung und Regimeunterstützung, in: Steinbrecher, Markus/Bytzek, Evelyn/Rosar, Ulrich (eds.): Identität – Identifikation – Ideologie: Analysen zu politischen Einstellungen und politischem Verhalten in Deutschland, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 181-216.

(2) Bauer, Simon R./Steiner, Nils D. (2015): Eurokrise, Economic Voting und der Erfolg der Union bei der Bundestagswahl 2013. Positions- und performanzbasierte Sachfragenorientierungen als Determinanten der Wahlentscheidung, in: Giebler, Heiko/Wagner, Aiko (eds.): Wirtschaft, Krise und Wahlverhalten, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 51-83.

(1) Steiner, Nils D./Steinbrecher, Markus (2012): Wirtschaft und Wahlverhalten in Westdeutschland zwischen 1977 und 2007: Wer sind die ökonomischen Wähler?, in: Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (ed.), Wählen in Deutschland: Sonderheft der Politischen Vierteljahreschrift 45/2011. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 321-344.


I handed in a paper-based dissertation. In addition to the four published articles, it includes a (rather long) introduction which is available here.